7 measures to improve the life of refractory bricks for steelmaking

(1) Before starting the furnace, the power cabinet, water cooling, furnace tilting mechanism and other equipment should be carefully checked again to minimize the failure of furnace shutdown caused by equipment failure, especially when the furnace is full (commonly known as "stove"), At this time, the furnace should be repaired before the molten iron solidifies as much as possible. Otherwise, due to thermal expansion and cold contraction, uneven heating, cracks will occur in the furnace lining, which will seriously affect the life of the furnace lining and lead to the occurrence of early leakage accidents of the furnace lining.

(2) When the first furnace of steel is smelted, the furnace lining has just been laid, and the furnace lining wall has not been completely sintered. The first few furnaces should use relatively clean metal materials, and try to avoid materials with complex components, rust and oil pollution, especially Oil-immersed scrap iron filings. Because the composition is complex, it contains a lot of rust and oil stains, and there is a complex interpenetration and mutual dissolution between the uncleaned waste and the oxides formed by the return material under high temperature and high oxygen, which is easy to form sticky slag and corrode the furnace lining, which will cause the furnace lining Looseness and melting loss occur.
Slowly feed the material, and the batch should be less and more, and the slag should be removed with the melting to reduce the melting slag. Low-power smelting should be used in the initial stage of smelting, and the impurities brought in not only increase energy consumption, but also affect the quality of castings. After the smelting is completed every day, the molten steel in the furnace is emptied, and the furnace cover is sealed to cool it slowly.
(3) The "bridging" phenomenon of the charge during the melting period has the greatest impact on the service life of the furnace lining. When "bridging" occurs, the charge and molten steel are separated, and the temperature of molten steel will be overheated to a very high temperature, which will seriously affect the service life of the furnace lining. When dealing with the phenomenon of "bridging", excessive vibration and hammering will cause the furnace lining been destroyed. Pay attention to the matching of the charge and timely loosen the charge to avoid the shed material in the furnace, prevent local overheating and reduce the local severe erosion of the furnace lining.
Severely sticky sand and rusted charge should be cleaned up before the furnace can be used. The charge with smaller size and light corrosion should be added in the early stage, and the large charge with greater impact on the furnace lining should be added slowly after preheating in the middle and later stages to slow down the impact on the furnace lining, especially the furnace lining that is not completely sintered in the early stage. .
(4) Since there are many types of scrap steel, (such as: pig iron, modified pig iron, slag steel, slag iron, internally recycled scrap steel, outsourced scrap steel, etc.) the volume and unit weight of the charge are very different, and the scrap site Limited and fast-paced production. It is difficult for workers to make a reasonable match, resulting in large fluctuations in the amount of slag and unstable temperature. Therefore, each factory should consider the size of the furnace, the actual situation of the scrap and the actual situation of the scrap stacking site. The amount of slag fluctuates greatly to standardize the loading system: both the size and single weight of scrap steel blocks.
(5) Various slag-aggregating agents will affect the service life of the furnace lining.
Such as high-calcium, siliceous calcium slag aggregates will react with the furnace lining material under the action of high temperature, and seriously corrode the furnace lining matrix.
(6) When tapping, especially the molten steel cannot be finished at one time, the furnace does not return to its position in time, and the furnace temperature is not in a heat preservation state but in a high temperature state; the upper half of the furnace lining is always in high temperature empty burning and the lower part of the furnace body. In the case of local electromagnetic stirring. Will severely and accelerate the erosion of the furnace lining.
(7) When the smelting is stopped, the cooling water flow should be reduced in time, and the furnace cover should be covered to cool the furnace lining slowly, reduce the thermal shock to the furnace lining, and prevent cracks during the cooling process.