Use of refractory materials in kilns

Refractories and cement process are inseparable as a whole. The operation cycle of refractories determines the completion rate of the kiln process system operation index, while the stable operation of the kiln system is the ... Read more

Types and characteristics of chemical furnaces

Classification of chemical kilns Kiln is built with refractory materials to calcine materials, high-temperature chemical reactions, firing products of the main heat-consuming equipment. Chemical kiln varieties, according to different standards have different classification methods. (1) ... Read more

Energy-saving measures for lime kilns

Energy-saving and environmental protection measures of lime kiln.First, the kiln structure is different, the traditional lime kiln is generally used in a straight cylinder, while the energy-saving kiln is different kiln body section for different ... Read more

Refractory balls for hot air furnaces

Since the 1970s, the application of refractory balls has gradually come into people's realization, and its thermal properties better than those of lattice bricks have made it a newer material for hot air furnaces, especially ... Read more