Good Stability Ceramic Fiber Module

Product description of ceramic fiber module

Ceramic fiber modulus is a new type of refractory coating introduced to simplify and speed up furnace structure and improve furnace lining integrity. The product is white in color and uniform in size. It can be directly fixed on the industrial furnace shell and steel plate anchor. It has good fire resistance and heat insulation effect. The fire resistance and overall heat insulation performance of the furnace are improved, and the progress of furnace masonry technology is promoted. Classification temperature 1050-1400 ° F.

Advantages of ceramic fiber module

The modulus of ceramic fiber is in the pre compression state. After the lining is built, the expansion of ceramic fiber modulus will not produce holes on the lining, which can compensate the shrinkage of the fiber lining and improve the thermal insulation performance of the fiber lining. The overall performance is good.

Application of ceramic fiber module

Petrochemical insulating furnace lining
Thermal insulation coating for metallurgical industrial furnace
Thermal insulation lining for ceramic, glass and other building materials industries
Heat treatment Industrial heat treatment furnace thermal insulation coating

More relevant refractory products: Bubble alumina brick

Parameters of ceramic fiber module

Classification Temperature, ℃-105012601260135014301600
Linear Shirinkage,%
Bulk & Density, kg/m3-172-240172-240172-240172-240172-240172-240
Thermal Conductivity, W/m.k400℃
Chemical Analysis, %Al2O342-4445-4647-4952-5534-3672-75