Price of Special Shaped Refractory Bricks

The price of special-shaped firebrick depends on the difficulty of the forming process and the material of the firebrick. Generally, when the manufacturer offers for special-shaped firebrick, it will ask the purchaser to provide the original brick drawings. It is necessary to know in detail the thickness, length and height of each corner, each arc or each graph.

Therefore, the calculation method of special firebrick price is more complex, when you make an inquiry, please provide detailed indicators and requirements as far as possible, so that we can provide you with the most appropriate products and services.

Special-shaped refractory brick can be divided into fired brick, unfired brick, electric fused brick (fused cast brick), refractory heat insulation brick according to the preparation technology. In addition, according to the shape and size of special type firebrick can be divided into standard type brick, ordinary brick, shaped, etc. Special-shaped refractory brick can be used as high temperature building materials and structural materials for building kilns and various thermal equipment.

The main characteristic of special type firebrick is high strength in the early stage, and the maximum compressive strength at room temperature can reach more than 30MPa in 3-7 days. The disadvantage is that the medium temperature volume stability is poor, the strength is reduced, the maximum reduction can be about 40%, so the normal temperature pressure strength must meet the requirements of the design and international standards.

The main factors for the reduction of temperature strength are as follows: when the low-calcium high-aluminum cement of special-shaped firebrick reaches a certain temperature (about 350℃) in the heating process of the oven, the hydrate begins to dehydrate and transform, which reduces the cementite structure, compactness and strength of the hydrate, and the castable volume changes. At this time, the strength of the castable body drops to the lowest point and then tends to be stable.

As the heating temperature rises to 1100℃, the cement stone gradually sintering, special-type firebrick crystal began to transform mullite crystals. As the temperature continues to rise, mullite crystals continue to grow, and the matrix glass phase in the castable is in liquid state, forming high temperature ceramic sintered state, and the strength is significantly improved. At about 1300℃, the strength of special-shaped firebrick can reach more than 60MPa. This is a remarkable characteristic of special type firebrick at high temperature.

Clay shaped refractory brick

In the industry there is another way of saying, is to distinguish according to the material, such as clay and high aluminum shaped firebrick, refers to the size ratio in 1:6, with no more than 2 concave Angle, or with 50°~70° acute Angle, or with no more than 4 grooves weight of 2~15kg clay refractory called shaped firebrick, The above weight of 2~18kg high alumina refractory brick is also called special type refractory brick. Common porous firebrick, wedge brick, high aluminum hook brick, plug head brick, universal arc, anchor brick and so on.

And magnesia or magnesia aluminum products, not included in the definition of ordinary firebrick are called special-shaped brick.